
Orchestrate versioning and publishing of applications and libraries


nx release

Install nx globally to invoke the command directly using nx, or use npx nx, yarn nx, or pnpm nx.

Shared Options


Type: boolean

Default: false

Preview the changes without updating files/creating releases


Type: string

One or more release groups to target with the current command.


Type: boolean

Show help


Type: string

Projects to run. (comma/space delimited project names and/or patterns)


Type: boolean

Prints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces)


Type: boolean

Show version number


Base Command Options

Create a version and release for the workspace, generate a changelog, and optionally publish the packages

nx release [specifier]



Type: boolean

Indicates that this is the first release for the selected release group. If the current version cannot be determined as usual, the version on disk will be used as a fallback. This is useful when using git or the registry to determine the current version of packages, since those sources are only available after the first release. Also indicates that changelog generation should not assume a previous git tag exists and that publishing should not check for the existence of the package before running.


Type: boolean

Show help


Type: boolean

Skip publishing by automatically answering no to the confirmation prompt for publishing


Type: string

Exact version or semver keyword to apply to the selected release group.


Type: boolean

Show version number


Type: boolean

Automatically answer yes to the confirmation prompt for publishing


Create a version and release for one or more applications and libraries

nx release version [specifier]



Type: boolean

Indicates that this is the first release for the selected release group. If the current version cannot be determined as usual, the version on disk will be used as a fallback. This is useful when using git or the registry to determine the current version of packages, since those sources are only available after the first release. Also indicates that changelog generation should not assume a previous git tag exists and that publishing should not check for the existence of the package before running.


Type: boolean

Whether or not to automatically commit the changes made by this command


Type: string

Additional arguments (added after the --message argument, which may or may not be customized with --git-commit-message) to pass to the git commit command invoked behind the scenes


Type: string

Custom git commit message to use when committing the changes made by this command. {version} will be dynamically interpolated when performing fixed releases, interpolated tags will be appended to the commit body when performing independent releases.


Type: boolean

Whether or not to automatically tag the changes made by this command


Type: string

Additional arguments to pass to the git tag command invoked behind the scenes


Type: string

Custom git tag message to use when tagging the changes made by this command. This defaults to be the same value as the tag itself.


Type: boolean

Show help


Type: string

The optional prerelease identifier to apply to the version. This will only be applied in the case that the specifier argument has been set to prerelease OR when conventional commits are enabled, in which case it will modify the resolved specifier from conventional commits to be its prerelease equivalent. E.g. minor -> preminor


Type: string

Exact version or semver keyword to apply to the selected release group.


Type: boolean

Whether or not to stage the changes made by this command. Always treated as true if git-commit is true.


Type: boolean

Show version number


Generate a changelog for one or more projects, and optionally push to Github

nx release changelog [version]



Type: boolean

Indicates that this is the first release for the selected release group. If the current version cannot be determined as usual, the version on disk will be used as a fallback. This is useful when using git or the registry to determine the current version of packages, since those sources are only available after the first release. Also indicates that changelog generation should not assume a previous git tag exists and that publishing should not check for the existence of the package before running.


Type: string

The git reference to use as the start of the changelog. If not set it will attempt to resolve the latest tag and use that


Type: boolean

Whether or not to automatically commit the changes made by this command


Type: string

Additional arguments (added after the --message argument, which may or may not be customized with --git-commit-message) to pass to the git commit command invoked behind the scenes


Type: string

Custom git commit message to use when committing the changes made by this command. {version} will be dynamically interpolated when performing fixed releases, interpolated tags will be appended to the commit body when performing independent releases.


Type: string

Default: origin

Alternate git remote in the form {user}/{repo} on which to create the Github release (useful for testing)


Type: boolean

Whether or not to automatically tag the changes made by this command


Type: string

Additional arguments to pass to the git tag command invoked behind the scenes


Type: string

Custom git tag message to use when tagging the changes made by this command. This defaults to be the same value as the tag itself.


Type: boolean

Show help


Type: string

Choices: [all, workspace, projects]

Interactively modify changelog markdown contents in your code editor before applying the changes. You can set it to be interactive for all changelogs, or only the workspace level, or only the project level


Type: boolean

Whether or not to stage the changes made by this command. Always treated as true if git-commit is true.


Type: string

Default: HEAD

The git reference to use as the end of the changelog


Type: string

The version to create a Github release and changelog for


Publish a versioned project to a registry

nx release publish



Type: boolean

Default: true

[deprecated] run-many runs all targets on all projects in the workspace if no projects are provided. This option is no longer required.


Type: string

Exclude certain projects from being processed


Type: boolean

Indicates that this is the first release for the selected release group. If the current version cannot be determined as usual, the version on disk will be used as a fallback. This is useful when using git or the registry to determine the current version of packages, since those sources are only available after the first release. Also indicates that changelog generation should not assume a previous git tag exists and that publishing should not check for the existence of the package before running.


Type: string

Show the task graph of the command. Pass a file path to save the graph data instead of viewing it in the browser. Pass "stdout" to print the results to the terminal.


Type: boolean

Show help


Type: boolean

Default: false

Skips running dependant tasks first


Type: boolean

Default: false

Stop command execution after the first failed task


Type: boolean

Default: false

Ignore cycles in the task graph


Type: number

A one-time password for publishing to a registry that requires 2FA


Type: string

Choices: [dynamic, static, stream, stream-without-prefixes]

Defines how Nx emits outputs tasks logs

dynamicuse dynamic output life cycle, previous content is overwritten or modified as new outputs are added, display minimal logs by default, always show errors. This output format is recommended on your local development environments.
staticuses static output life cycle, no previous content is rewritten or modified as new outputs are added. This output format is recommened for CI environments.
streamnx by default logs output to an internal output stream, enable this option to stream logs to stdout / stderr
stream-without-prefixesnx prefixes the project name the target is running on, use this option remove the project name prefix from output

Type: string

Max number of parallel processes [default is 3]


Type: string

Projects to run. (comma/space delimited project names and/or patterns)


Type: string

The registry to publish to


Type: string

This is the name of the tasks runner configured in nx.json


Type: boolean

Default: false

Rerun the tasks even when the results are available in the cache


Type: string

The distribution tag to apply to the published package


Type: boolean

Prints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces)


Type: boolean

Show version number